The Association


An innovative program of the NSSA that improves the quality of aquatic habitat for fish and other wildlife.

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The Association

Since 1963, the Nova Scotia Salmon Association has been a leading volunteer organization promoting the wise management and conservation of our wild Atlantic salmon and trout stocks. We are a registered charitable organization and are listed under the Societies Act of Nova Scotia. The Association has an office in Chester and is represented by the Regional Director of the Atlantic Salmon Federation.

The business of the Association, Chaired by our President, is addressed by a Board of Directors which is elected by our membership at our annual general meeting. The Board meets tri-monthly and whenever possible, meetings are arranged around an angling opportunity.

Membership to the Association is encouraged and participation at either the Board or committee level is always welcome. Many of our members have special skills that enable them to work on projects from home, some work on fund raising projects while others open corporate and government doors for us to deliver our conservation message. Every member has something to offer and if you wish to debate and discuss the issues, develop strategic plans and carry them out, then the Board of Directors is the place for you.

In regards to issues, the Board is charged with addressing issues that are of a provincial nature. For example, the effects of clearcutting or acid rain. However, we frequently are called upon to assist an Affiliate Association that requires our support on a local issue such as fish passage or a proposed mine that threatens our rivers.

The Association has local Affiliates from the Salmon River, Digby Co. to the Margaree River in Cape Breton. Affiliates are encouraged to attend Board meetings to share news from their area of interest. At present, the Association enjoys affiliation with 25 association across Nova Scotia.

In 1985, the Association joined the Atlantic Salmon Federation as one of seven Regional Councils and as a result, has access to professional assistance in fund raising, salmon science and developing effective public relations and government education campaigns.

The Association has been called upon on many occasions. We successfully lead a coalition to protect the Margaree River against the threat of mining, we have aggressively pursued government's role in administering hatcheries, protecting rivers and wilderness areas and we are presently addressing our many acid stressed rivers. Our success is due largely to the fact that we base our cases on fact and the best available scientific advice. That's creditability!

The NSSA is a solid organisation with dedicated volunteers serving the interests of wild Atlantic Salmon and Trout throughout Nova Scotia.