

An innovative program of the NSSA that improves the quality of aquatic habitat for fish and other wildlife.

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The Association is supported by individual membership and our network of affiliate associations. Together, our collective conservation efforts have been invaluable in promoting public awareness, education and in-river enhancement projects. Over the past 37 years, the Nova Scotia Salmon Association has become a very successful and credible organization, due in large part to the strength that comes from our volunteer membership. The more members we have, the greater our strength. The more members that take on a project to help wild Atlantic salmon and trout, the greater our effectiveness.

Membership dues are just $20.00 (Cdn) per year and helps fund the activities of the association. In an effort to support the ongoing conservation projects and initiatives of our affiliate associations, NSSA also accepts donations to the Nova Scotia Salmon Association Anglers Trust. Monies from this trust are solely directed towards financing habitat enhancement projects throughout Nova Scotia.

We welcome everyone with a genuine interest in the welfare of our salmon and trout resource. Become a member and help make a difference. Attend our annual spring fundraising dinner and help support the cause. Better yet, consider joining the board of directors at our annual AGM or volunteer to take on a conservation project in you area. The fish need our all our help. Together we can - and do make a difference.

NSSA Junior Membership

The NSSA would like to encourage more of our youth to become members and we now have Junior Membership for those under the age of 16 years. This is an opportunity to introduce our youth to the sport of fishing and teach them to be stewards of the environment. Membership is $5.00 (Cdn). “The youth of today are the protectors, of our Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout, tomorrow.”

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