Fishing in NS


An innovative program of the NSSA that improves the quality of aquatic habitat for fish and other wildlife.

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Fishing in NS

Nova Scotia offers a wide variety of fly fishing opportunities for the trout and salmon angler.  The province is surrounded almost completely by the sea and is covered by freshwater.  With 4,625 miles of coastline, over 6,500 freshwater lakes and countless numbers of rivers, streams and brooks there is no shortage of places to wet a line.

Nova Scotias Salmon Season varies by area, in genral the rivers of Cape Breton are open from June till October, while the Mainland Rivers, alond the Northumberland Straight are open from Sept till Oct.  Please check the current regulations for each specific river.

More Detail Can be found on Summer and Fall Salmon fishing in the left hand menu.

Aside from the cold water salmonids we're so fond of, there are also excellent fishing opportunities in Nova Scotia for bass, pickerel, shad, stripped bass and any number of saltwater species from flounder to tuna to shark.

For more information on sportsfishing in Nova Scotia - including all the rules, regs and seasons, visit the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries website at 

The Department also produces an excellent fishing map of the province, which can be ordered for a nominal fee.